The Unexpected can happen...

By Shopify API  •  0 comments  •   1 minute read

Last Sunday, I was enjoying a amazing day at the barn. I was on my third horse and everything was great! I had just commented to my friend that my horse was having a particularly good day. A short time later (I have absolutely no memory of the accident), I was cantering to the left when my horse stumbled and went down. He apparently fell with such force that I was flung to the ground on his right side and he fell on top of me. My head hit the ground hard and I was unconscious for several minutes. I was taken by ambulance to the trauma center about 35 miles away, where I was treated for a head injury and trauma to my right leg.

There is no question that my helmet saved my life. I still have no memory whatsoever of the event, and my leg will take some time to heal, but I'm alive and will be able to ride again. I am 50 years old, and I made a promise long ago to wear a helmet to please my family. Now I will wear it to please ME. I was wearing a Troxel Dakota helmet at the time, which will need to be replaced, but it's a small price to pay for my life! Thank you, Troxel.

Mary Jane

Memphis, TN

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