Freak Accidents Can AND Do Happen
I have been riding for 16 years and have never been on a horse without a Troxel helmet protecting me. There is something about the classic look, the fit and the dependability of a brand you have been with for that long. Even schooling jumps at low levels, freak accidents can happen.
I rode a horse for his owners and we had been schooling up to 2'3", not an impressive height by any means. The last fence of our course, he did not put his legs down and ended up somersaulting. I hit the ground face/head first with my hands out. When I came to from blacking out, my helmet/head were touching the horse's butt. He had come only inches from landing on top of me. I ended up with a concussion and abrasions/bruising on my face and body with a broken thumb and fractured ribs. The doctor in the ER kept saying "I cannot believe I am letting you walk out of here without you having any other serious injuries."
My Troxel Grand Prix helmet had the lining ripped from the beak and the beak of the helmet is actually detached from the main part of the helmet. Once I was able to ride again after about 6 weeks, I made sure to do so while wearing my newest Troxel helmet.
Thanks Troxel!