It was a hot, sticky, fly invested day, but we had work to do... (little did Ladybug know so green/blue...) As I sprayed her fiery body, tacked and mounted... fhew..I attempted to show her a thing or two...
Both of us cranky, I asked for a left turn, but to my surprise, she didn't like a spanky...She turned on a dime, just like a cutting horse should, and started bucking like a bronco would....
I reached a one, two, three, four...bucks galore...five and then came six...there I went down for a fix...and ever so helmet, but thank god no gore...
the concrete in my eye, and Ladybug on high, she whinnied at her flight...looked back with delight...and thats how Ladybug flew away...what a fright!!
So ladies and gents, I learned a lesson the hard way...never forget your helmet...or get to your knees to pray...fhew what a frightful day...
A whoa men... BlB