That Crack Would Have Been My Head!

By Christine Lee  •  0 comments  •   1 minute read

Hello Fellow Equestrians,

I have been riding since I was six-years-old. I never wore a helmet, until I had a mare that I had for about 12 years & never had any issues before. She got mad because she couldn't see her stablemate & started serious bucking.

She bucked 3 times, & the 4th time she twisted sideways! My leg hit the saddle horn & turned totally black! I survived. I started wearing a Troxel Helmet from then on!

My current horse is a Quarter Horse mare named Daisy. She is 22. We have been doing Gymkhana for 15 years now. She is a very well-behaved mare. 99% well-behaved is pretty good! But, that 1% is a doozy!

Finishing up a Barrel Ride at a Gymkhana Show, instead of going out the gate when finishing the ride-she made a sharp left turn-I kept going towards the gate! After dusting myself off from that bone-jarring fall, I looked at my helmet.

At first glance, I was relieved that only my visor was cracked! I looked closer- my helmet was deeply cracked from the visor to the back of the helmet!! Wow! That crack would have been my head!

Thank you Troxell for keeping me safe! Fellow Equestrians, please wear helmets so you can enjoy many more rides on your Equine Companion.

Ride safely.


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