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I Was In The Hospital For 3 Weeks

This is what my Troxel helmet looked like after I was thrown from my horse back in February of 2015. The deep scratches would have been against my head had I not had the helmet on, not to mention the cushioning of the helmet that saved my head from impact when my head hit the ground. I was in the hospital for 3 weeks, with 3 compression fractures to the pelvic bone and a dislocated finger.

It was a long recovery period with 15 months of various forms of physical therapy, lots of perseverance and prayer, and I am truly thankful that I have fully recovered and that I did not have a head injury due to my Troxel helmet protecting my head. Never be ashamed of wearing a helmet, even if you are a Western rider like myself.

Safety should always come first!


My Old Troxel Helmet

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