One ride, 2 falls, helmet is dirty and I'm ok!

By Shopify API  •  0 comments  •   2 minute read

I have a 9 yr old mule that's been to 2 trainers, and yet, reactive and not ridable. I aquired her and found a great, young, calm and confident gal who rode her for 6 wks. After she (the mule) came home I took her out for short rides and yesterday, with my hubby walking beside us, we went about 2 miles and crossed a creek...and crossed it again heading back home.

Not sure what happened but she shied and I tried a 1 rein stop but after 1 little circle she ran and I baled onto some sagebrush. We tracked her a ways, and I got back on and figured we'd just ride on home. My hubby tripped on a rock and she shied again, jumped up on the bank beside the road and I came off again-tho I do not remember anything, including my husband's trip. The mule ran for home, my hubby found me on the shoulder of the road unconscious and "gurgling", he said. He called neighbors who said I was on all 4s when they arrived and they helped me into the car and went to the ER.

I guess I asked every few minutes where we were going, but I do not recall the ride to the ER. I do recall being told to lay down so they could slide me onto a stretcher once I got to the ER, a neck brace being put on, and a ride to a CT scan and Xray. By then I was feeling pretty good, telling them I was not hurt that bad, I did not feel too bad. My hip hurt but it always does, and I could move everything.

The end result? no breaks, minor concussion, go home, rest, and don't risk a 2nd injury as they compound each other. I am looking at my dirty helmet, and I feel a slight sore spot on the back of my head, but am quite thankful!

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